Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History & Culture Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva's Black History

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Sussex County Almshouse Birth and Death Records

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Date Added
January 18, 2022

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All Records in Sussex County Almshouse Birth and Death Records

Record #1

County Sussex
First Name
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
First Name
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1866-8-22
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes boy; name unknown
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 415
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Record #2

County Sussex
Surname Abbott
First Name David
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Abbott
First Name David
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1857-8-23
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 414
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Record #3

County Sussex
Surname Abbott
First Name Amy
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Abbott
First Name Amy
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1864-5-1
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 416
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Record #4

County Sussex
Surname Argo
First Name Sherden
Birth or Death? d
Age 20 years

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Argo
First Name Sherden
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1885-11-24
Age 20 years
Race B
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-007
Barcode Number 85173
Folder Number 5
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Record #5

County Sussex
Surname Bacon
First Name Rebecca Watson
Birth or Death? b
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Bacon
First Name Rebecca Watson
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1852-12-9
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name Bacon
Mother's First Name Mary
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 428
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Record #6

County Sussex
Surname Ball
First Name Mary Frances
Birth or Death? b
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Ball
First Name Mary Frances
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1869-3-24
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name Ball
Mother's First Name Jane
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 428
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Record #7

County Sussex
Surname Barfield
First Name Dora
Birth or Death? d
Age 24
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Barfield
First Name Dora
District Sussex
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 2/27/1933 0:00
Age 24
Gender f
Race B
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes Native of Va
Series Number 4230-013
Barcode Number 85559
Folder Number 7-Feb
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Record #8

County Sussex
Surname Beauley
First Name George W.
Birth or Death? b
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Beauley
First Name George W.
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1858-7-1
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name Buley
Mother's First Name Mary
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 420
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Record #9

County Sussex
Surname Belle
First Name Leah
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Belle
First Name Leah
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1858-8-10
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 416
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Record #10

County Sussex
Surname Betts
First Name William Bell Pointer
Birth or Death? b
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Betts
First Name William Bell Pointer
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1874-12-15
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name Betts
Mother's First Name Hester
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 420
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Record #11

County Sussex
Surname Blockson
First Name Luciller Vestey?
Birth or Death? b
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Blockson
First Name Luciller Vestey?
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1877-2-3
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name Blockson
Mother's First Name Emeline
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 428
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Record #12

County Sussex
Surname Boyas
First Name Alexander
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Boyas
First Name Alexander
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1868-4-22
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 415
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Record #13

County Sussex
Surname Brookfield
First Name Brustis
Birth or Death? d
Age 102 years
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Brookfield
First Name Brustis
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1885-4-8
Age 102 years
Gender m
Race B
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-007
Barcode Number 85173
Folder Number 5
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Record #14

County Sussex
Surname Broome
First Name Mary
Birth or Death? d
Age 80 years
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Broome
First Name Mary
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1887-11-3
Age 80 years
Gender f
Race B
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-007
Barcode Number 85173
Folder Number 5
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Record #15

County Sussex
Surname Buley
First Name Milkey
Birth or Death? d
Age 70
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Buley
First Name Milkey
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1847-5-24
Age 70
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 6
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Record #16

County Sussex
Surname Buley
First Name Curnelus
Birth or Death? b
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Buley
First Name Curnelus
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1853-5-18
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name Buley
Mother's First Name May
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 420
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Record #17

County Sussex
Surname Burton
First Name Emeline
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Burton
First Name Emeline
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1858-2-13
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 416
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Record #18

County Sussex
Surname Cannon
First Name Ruthe
Birth or Death? d
Age 84 years
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Cannon
First Name Ruthe
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1886-10-25
Age 84 years
Gender f
Race B
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-007
Barcode Number 85173
Folder Number 5
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Record #19

County Sussex
Surname Cannon
First Name Isaac
Birth or Death? b
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Cannon
First Name Isaac
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1868-9-29
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name Cannon
Mother's First Name Henna
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 420
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Record #20

County Sussex
Surname Chipe
First Name Rose
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Chipe
First Name Rose
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1858-2-4
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 416
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Record #21

County Sussex
Surname Chipman
First Name Sarah
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Chipman
First Name Sarah
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1860-3-7
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 416
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Record #22

County Sussex
Surname Colliins
First Name Job
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Colliins
First Name Job
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1849-6-24
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 18
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Record #23

County Sussex
Surname Collins
First Name John
Birth or Death? b
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Collins
First Name John
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1868-10-9
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name Collins
Mother's First Name Leah
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 420
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Record #24

County Sussex
Surname Collins
First Name John
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Collins
First Name John
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1868-12-12
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 415
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Record #25

County Sussex
Surname Conner
First Name America
Birth or Death? d
Age ca 75
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Conner
First Name America
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1847-11-29
Age ca 75
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 8
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Record #26

County Sussex
Surname Cottinham
First Name Jacob
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Cottinham
First Name Jacob
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1856-8-2
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 414
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Record #27

County Sussex
Surname Coups
First Name Ledia
Birth or Death? d
Age 90
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Coups
First Name Ledia
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1847-1-9
Age 90
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 6
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Record #28

County Sussex
Surname Davidson?
First Name Mary A.
Birth or Death? b
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Davidson?
First Name Mary A.
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1873-3-23
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name Nancy
Mother's First Name Davis
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 428
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Record #29

County Sussex
Surname Davis
First Name Levin
Birth or Death? b
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Davis
First Name Levin
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1863-2-1
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name Davis
Mother's First Name Nancy
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 420
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Record #30

County Sussex
Surname Davis
First Name Daniel
Birth or Death? b
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Davis
First Name Daniel
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1867-12-16
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name Davis
Mother's First Name Nancy
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 420
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Record #31

County Sussex
Surname Davis
First Name Philip E.
Birth or Death? b
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Davis
First Name Philip E.
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1865-4-3
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name Davis
Mother's First Name Nancy
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 420
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Record #32

County Sussex
Surname Davis
First Name Sarah
Birth or Death? d
Age 60
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Davis
First Name Sarah
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1847-1-9
Age 60
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 6
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Record #33

County Sussex
Surname Davis
First Name George
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Davis
First Name George
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1863-3-23
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 414
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Record #34

County Sussex
Surname Deshields
First Name George E.
Birth or Death? b
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Deshields
First Name George E.
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1847-1-23
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name Deshields
Mother's First Name Emaliine
Mother's Race w
Transcriber Notes a white woman
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 8
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Record #35

County Sussex
Surname Diamond
First Name James
Birth or Death? d
Age 60
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Diamond
First Name James
District Sussex
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 4/7/1933 0:00
Age 60
Gender m
Race B
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-013
Barcode Number 85559
Folder Number 9-Feb
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Record #36

County Sussex
Surname Donavan
First Name Mary
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Donavan
First Name Mary
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1868-1-20
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 417
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Record #37

County Sussex
Surname Donavan
First Name Cloe
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Donavan
First Name Cloe
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1868-2-13
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 417
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Record #38

County Sussex
Surname Draper
First Name Beckey
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Draper
First Name Beckey
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1858-11-23
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 416
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Record #39

County Sussex
Surname Draper
First Name Alfred
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Draper
First Name Alfred
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1866-7-22
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 415
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Record #40

County Sussex
Surname Eligood
First Name Isaac
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Eligood
First Name Isaac
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1868-1-17
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 415
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Record #41

County Sussex
Surname Eligood
First Name Iaaac
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Eligood
First Name Iaaac
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1864-10-2
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 415
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Record #42

County Sussex
Surname Eligood
First Name Annie
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Eligood
First Name Annie
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1866-4-22
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 416
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Record #43

County Sussex
Surname Evans
First Name Hannah
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Evans
First Name Hannah
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1849-4-2
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 21
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Record #44

County Sussex
Surname Fassitt
First Name Solomon
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Fassitt
First Name Solomon
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1857-7-14
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 414
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Record #45

County Sussex
Surname Fisher
First Name Eleanor
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Fisher
First Name Eleanor
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1849-4-22
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 21
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Record #46

County Sussex
Surname Fitaman
First Name Josephis
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Fitaman
First Name Josephis
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1861-6-10
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 414
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Record #47

County Sussex
Surname Foster
First Name Jehu
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Foster
First Name Jehu
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1864-5-5
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 414
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Record #48

County Sussex
Surname German
First Name Henry
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname German
First Name Henry
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1850-4-20
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 18
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Record #49

County Sussex
Surname Green
First Name Theodesea
Birth or Death? d
Age 23 years

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Green
First Name Theodesea
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1887-4-10
Age 23 years
Race B
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-007
Barcode Number 85173
Folder Number 5
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Record #50

County Sussex
Surname Green
First Name Gilbert
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Green
First Name Gilbert
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1849-5-14
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 18
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Record #51

County Sussex
Surname Griffith
First Name Margaret
Birth or Death? d
Age 70 years
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Griffith
First Name Margaret
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1885-5-13
Age 70 years
Gender f
Race B
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-007
Barcode Number 85173
Folder Number 5
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Record #52

County Sussex
Surname Hamilton
First Name Leah
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Hamilton
First Name Leah
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1866-11-24
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 416
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Record #53

County Sussex
Surname Hamilton
First Name Thomas
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Hamilton
First Name Thomas
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1849-6-17
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 18
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Record #54

County Sussex
Surname Handsor
First Name Elizabeth
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Handsor
First Name Elizabeth
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1866-11-3
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 416
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Record #55

County Sussex
Surname Handsor
First Name John
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Handsor
First Name John
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1853-1-27
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 414
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Record #56

County Sussex
Surname Handsor
First Name Burton
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Handsor
First Name Burton
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1853-8-12
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 414
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Record #57

County Sussex
Surname Handy
First Name Francis
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Handy
First Name Francis
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1851-10-3
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 414
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Record #58

County Sussex
Surname Hanson
First Name Mary
Birth or Death? d
Age 82 years
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Hanson
First Name Mary
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1886-1-26
Age 82 years
Gender f
Race B
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-007
Barcode Number 85173
Folder Number 5
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Record #59

County Sussex
Surname Harmon
First Name Huldey
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Harmon
First Name Huldey
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1868-8-14
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 417
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Record #60

County Sussex
Surname Harris
First Name Henry
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Harris
First Name Henry
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1858-9-25
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 414
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Record #61

County Sussex
Surname Hayes
First Name James
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Hayes
First Name James
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1849-7-5
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 18
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Record #62

County Sussex
Surname Hazzard
First Name Milley
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Hazzard
First Name Milley
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1868-11-13
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 417
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Record #63

County Sussex
Surname Hill
First Name Frank
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Hill
First Name Frank
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1866-4-9
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 415
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Record #64

County Sussex
Surname Horsey
First Name Leven
Birth or Death? b
Gender m?

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Horsey
First Name Leven
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1872-6-1
Gender m?
Race b
Mother's Last Name Horsey
Mother's First Name Mariah
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 428
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Record #65

County Sussex
Surname Houston
First Name Jacob
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Houston
First Name Jacob
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1868-9-21
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 415
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Record #66

County Sussex
Surname Hudson
First Name Viney?
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Hudson
First Name Viney?
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1860-4-12
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 416
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Record #67

County Sussex
Surname Idlott? Aydelott?
First Name James
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Idlott? Aydelott?
First Name James
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1862-9-23
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 414
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Record #68

County Sussex
Surname Inggram
First Name Milbey
Birth or Death? d
Age 75
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Inggram
First Name Milbey
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1847-1-18
Age 75
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 8
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Record #69

County Sussex
Surname Ingram
First Name Isaac
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Ingram
First Name Isaac
District Dagsboro Hd
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1849-1-29
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 18
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Record #70

County Sussex
Surname Jack
First Name Magdeline
Birth or Death? d
Age 30
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Jack
First Name Magdeline
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1847-3-25
Age 30
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 6
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Record #71

County Sussex
Surname Jack
First Name Ann
Birth or Death? d
Age 20
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Jack
First Name Ann
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1847-11-27
Age 20
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 6
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Record #72

County Sussex
Surname Jack
First Name Samuel
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Jack
First Name Samuel
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1850-12-11
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 414
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Record #73

County Sussex
Surname Jackson
First Name Nethyrus Jame
Birth or Death? b
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Jackson
First Name Nethyrus Jame
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1853-3-18
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name Jackson
Mother's First Name Matilda
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 420
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Record #74

County Sussex
Surname Jackson
First Name James
Birth or Death? d
Age 73
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Jackson
First Name James
District Lewes & Rehobeth Hd
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1850-4-13
Age 73
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 222
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Record #75

County Sussex
Surname Jackson
First Name Miltalda
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Jackson
First Name Miltalda
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1868-11-25
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 417
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Record #76

County Sussex
Surname Jackson
First Name James
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Jackson
First Name James
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1850-4-12
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 18
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Record #77

County Sussex
Surname James
First Name Mary C.
Birth or Death? b
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname James
First Name Mary C.
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1866-4-14
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name Jackson
Mother's First Name Matilda
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 428
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #78

County Sussex
Surname Jefferson
First Name Tabitha
Birth or Death? d
Age 84
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Jefferson
First Name Tabitha
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1848-8-15
Age 84
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 16
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Record #79

County Sussex
Surname Jerman
First Name Henry
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Jerman
First Name Henry
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1850-4-11
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 414
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Record #80

County Sussex
Surname Johnson
First Name Edward
Birth or Death? b
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Johnson
First Name Edward
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1871-2-12
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name Johnson
Mother's First Name Eliza
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 420
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Record #81

County Sussex
Surname Jones
First Name William H.
Birth or Death? b
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Jones
First Name William H.
Birth or Death? b
Date of Birth 1874-4-29
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name Jones
Mother's First Name Elizabeth
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 420
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Record #82

County Sussex
Surname Laws
First Name Bottle
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Laws
First Name Bottle
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1860-8-4
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 414
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Record #83

County Sussex
Surname Lingo
First Name Jacob
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Lingo
First Name Jacob
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1860-8-24
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 414
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Record #84

County Sussex
Surname Lockwood
First Name Plesant
Birth or Death? d
Age 86
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Lockwood
First Name Plesant
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1848-11-6
Age 86
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 16
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Record #85

County Sussex
Surname Lockwood
First Name Major
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Lockwood
First Name Major
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1865-10-20
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 415
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Record #86

County Sussex
Surname Lofland
First Name William
Birth or Death? d
Gender m

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Lofland
First Name William
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1864-9-24
Gender m
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 414
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Record #87

County Sussex
Surname Lofland
First Name Nancy
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Lofland
First Name Nancy
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1855-5-11
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 416
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Record #88

County Sussex
Surname Loyez?
First Name Jane
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Loyez?
First Name Jane
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1856-11-16
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 416
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Record #89

County Sussex
Surname Marvel
First Name Minta
Birth or Death? d
Gender f

All Fields in This Record

County Sussex
Surname Marvel
First Name Minta
Birth or Death? d
Date of Birth 1858-11-25
Gender f
Race b
Mother's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Race
Transcriber Notes
Series Number 4230-004
Barcode Number 85174
Folder Number 416
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