Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History & Culture Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva's Black History

Record Detail

Record #140 from Freedmen's Bureau Correspondence on Schools, 1869-1870

Roll Number 7
Date 20 July 1869
State Maryland
County Somerset
City/Town/Neighborhood Deals Island
Other Locations Mentioned Princess Ann
Authors Rev. Jolley Hooper
Position Reverand and teacher
Recipient Mr John Kimball General Superintendent of Schools
Other Names Mentioned JW McGrath
Message Abstract States that the teacher who was lately sent them, came unexpected to all their people: that they were not prepared for him and furnished him with means to return: that they have reason to believe that Mr. [[underlined]] Mc Grath, [[/underlined]] of Princess Ann, made application for them without their knowledge, at which the people are indignant: that he (Mr. J.) has been teaching in connection with his duties as preacher &c. &c.
Message Body there was a letter from you directed to J W McGrath Princes Anne speaking of a teacher that had been sent to him who was not Received and as far as we can learn about it this teacher was sent to Deals Island as this is a mater concernes the righter I take liberty to say some thing to you about it we hope it will bee no offence to you we called a meeting after the teacher came and it was found that no one on Deals Island had made applycation for a teacher but as far as we could learn Mr McGrath had made applycation for us when he had no right to dictate for our school We had a school goin on taught by their minister my self and I was Expecting to teach untill the last of July at which time our Conferance sets if they wish it soe but they thought best to close ab^o^ut the first oing to scarcety of money as that is a season for the like there as far as we can under stand not one of the Bretheren except one knew any thing abut a new teacher and he denied having any thing to do with the applycation and when they found that the teacher had been sent for in the way that he was and that they only wanted school a short while longer they thought best to send him back again and prepare for a fall cession but they perhaps will not send through McGrath they have a regular Committee and when an applycation is mad by that Committee at Deals Island authenticated by the Signe of the President and counter sign of the Secretary [[end page]] [[start page]] it will bee satisfactory with all and the teacher will do well to come I their Minister have been teaching their School about Seven Months at the rate of 25 dollars per month and board my self my Circuit being rather poore I taken this as a secondary way of support I taken the School from the begining and I have a veary good School there children are learning veary finely [...] We did not forget to advace the money to carey him back again
Pages 823
Transcribers Notes

If you are citing this record, please use the following format:

[Author (if known)], Freedmen's Bureau Correspondence on Schools, 1869-1870, 1869, Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva’s Black History, Nabb Research Center, Salisbury University.

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