Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History & Culture Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva's Black History

Record Detail

Record #139 from Freedmen's Bureau Correspondence on Schools, 1869-1870

Roll Number 7
Date 20 April 1869
State Maryland
County Somerset
City/Town/Neighborhood Princess Ann
Other Locations Mentioned "Hungary Neck"
Authors B Jaggard
Recipient Gen. Howard
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that the colored people of "Hungary Neck" desire to know upon what conditions the Bureau will aid them in building a Church and School house: that they have purchased an acre of land, which is paid for, and have $100. on hand: that they can get a house built 26 x 20 ft. for $260. &c.
Message Body A community of Colored men called on me a day or two ago and wished me to write you concerning a school house and church. They have purchased one acre of ground and have paid for it and have a deed for the same. They now have about one hundred dollars in cash on hand. There is a [??] party that offers to put it up for two hundred and sixty dollars 20x26 feet. There is 66 families in the district. Twelve on this [??] of the number has served in the Union Army, I am personaly acquainted with most of the Colored Population having Removed her some three years since from Pennsylvania. they are as a general thing, industrious Honest and a Law abiding People. Hungary Neck is the name of the District some seven miles from Princess Anne, the County Seat, Somerset Co M.D. if the Department can assist them in any way, Please answer, and I will read the same to the committy.
Pages 798
Transcribers Notes

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[Author (if known)], Freedmen's Bureau Correspondence on Schools, 1869-1870, 1869, Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva’s Black History, Nabb Research Center, Salisbury University.

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