Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History & Culture Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva's Black History

Record Detail

Record #163 from Freedmen's Bureau Correspondence on Schools, 1869-1870

Roll Number 8
Date 25 Nov 1868
State Maryland
County Talbot
City/Town/Neighborhood Easton
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors Miss Snowden
Recipient Mr. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Mrs. Graham; Mr. Jno. T. Graham; Samuel Sampson (trustee)
Message Abstract States, in reply, that the trustees will send in a copy of recorded deed soon; that the school-house is finished but ^[[insert]] she [[/insert]] has not ascertained when it was commenced: that it is furnished with maps, charts and desks: that the house is paid for and the trustees hold the deed: that the pupils pay tuition for board of teacher: that letters should be addressed to [[underlined]] Saml. Sampson [[/underlined]], one of the trustees: that there is $200. due next month on the teacher's house which she fears the people are not able to meet [[?]] and inquires if the Bureau will aid them.
Message Body Please excuse my delay in answering your inquiries, one of two of our queries I was under an obligation to obtain from the Trustees. This is the reasoning of my delay. A copy of the recorded deed "they will endeavor to send it soon, your next question " when the school-house was commenced". I shall be oblige to inquire of Mrs. Graham this and the following question. I can answer if it is finished. Your next question, what furniture is in the building? Ans, Maps/Chart Desks, Amount paid by the Freedman I will report in my next as I must obtain the information from Mr. Jno T, Graham, At Balto, Debt on the building, nothing.as it is paid for and the Trustees holds the "deed" Money is raised for bound, and incidentals, by taxing each scholar 10 cts per week for board and by holding Fairs and Festival, for incidentals. Letters may be addressed to Samuel Sampson (Trustee) Dr. Harrison seems to be one of our warmest friends. Samuel Sampson Dr. Harrison Easton Easton Talbot Co. Talbot Co. [[Underline]Md [/Underline]][[Underline]]Md[[/Underline]] We are now in great distress here relative to the Teachers house. I received a letter from Mr. Graham a short time since and he therein informs the Col. People of Easton there is a note on the teachers house due next month $200.00 and we must meet it or the house will be sold Now Mr Kimball the people has labored faithfully to pay for their school-house and are doing all we can to meet this demand but I have almost decided that we will fail as the winter is approaching and wages is so low that the people seem scarcely able to meet all the demand of families and churches and School. And they are sorry to think it will be taken from us if cannot pay it. Mr Kimball would the Freedmans [[strikethrough]] Beruo [[/strikethrough]] Bureau assist us in this matter.
Pages 392
Transcribers Notes

If you are citing this record, please use the following format:

[Author (if known)], Freedmen's Bureau Correspondence on Schools, 1869-1870, 1868, Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva’s Black History, Nabb Research Center, Salisbury University.

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