Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History & Culture Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva's Black History

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Mt. Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church marriage records

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All Records in Mt. Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church marriage records

Record #1

Year 1889
Month/Day May 1
Surname (Groom) Graham
First Name (Groom) [Joseph]
Surname (Bride) Green
First Name (Bride) [Grace]

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County Wicomico
Year 1889
Month/Day May 1
Surname (Groom) Graham
First Name (Groom) [Joseph]
Place of Birth (Groom) Somerset Co.
Surname (Bride) Green
First Name (Bride) [Grace]
Age (Groom) 55
Age (Bride) 35
Place of Birth (Bride) Somerset Co.
Residence (Groom) Eden, MD
Residence (Bridge) Eden, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Eden, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Henry and Emily Barkley
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #2

Year 1889
Month/Day December 18
Surname (Groom) Davis
First Name (Groom) [Co]lumbus
Surname (Bride) Bounds
First Name (Bride) [Mar]tha Ella

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County Wicomico
Year 1889
Month/Day December 18
Surname (Groom) Davis
First Name (Groom) [Co]lumbus
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) Bounds
First Name (Bride) [Mar]tha Ella
Age (Groom) 33
Age (Bride) 20
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co.
Residence (Groom) Allen, MD
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Allen, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses John Polk and Annie Dutton
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Daviss
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Record #3

Year 1890
Month/Day February 19
Surname (Groom) Covington
First Name (Groom) [Sidney]
Surname (Bride) Harris
First Name (Bride) [Francis]

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County Wicomico
Year 1890
Month/Day February 19
Surname (Groom) Covington
First Name (Groom) [Sidney]
Place of Birth (Groom) Somerset Co.
Surname (Bride) Harris
First Name (Bride) [Francis]
Age (Groom) 40
Age (Bride) 20
Place of Birth (Bride) Somerset Co.
Residence (Groom) Mt. Vernon, MD
Residence (Bridge) Mt. Vernon, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Mt. Vernon, MD
Occupation (Groom) Sailor
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses James H. Tilghman and ….. Jones
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #4

Year 1890
Month/Day April 3
Surname (Groom) King
First Name (Groom) [S]amuel E.
Surname (Bride) Cornish
First Name (Bride) [M]ary F.

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County Wicomico
Year 1890
Month/Day April 3
Surname (Groom) King
First Name (Groom) [S]amuel E.
Place of Birth (Groom) Somerset Co.
Surname (Bride) Cornish
First Name (Bride) [M]ary F.
Age (Groom) 22
Age (Bride) 18
Place of Birth (Bride) Somerset Co.
Residence (Groom) Widgeon, MD
Residence (Bridge) Widgeon, MD
Maiden Name of Mother Emily Cornish
Place of Marriage Widgeon, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses David F. Waters and Mary E. Gale
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #5

Year 1890
Month/Day April 24
Surname (Groom) Wilson
First Name (Groom) Henry
Surname (Bride) [Wilson]
First Name (Bride) [Amanda]

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County Wicomico
Year 1890
Month/Day April 24
Surname (Groom) Wilson
First Name (Groom) Henry
Place of Birth (Groom) Somerset Co.
Surname (Bride) [Wilson]
First Name (Bride) [Amanda]
Age (Groom) 57
Age (Bride) 55
Place of Birth (Bride) Somerset Co.
Residence (Groom) Widgeon, MD
Residence (Bridge) Widgeon, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Widgeon, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses John H. Gale and Martha W. Gale
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #6

Year 1890
Month/Day June 19
Surname (Groom) Tull
First Name (Groom) Samuel
Surname (Bride) Furnis
First Name (Bride) Leah

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County Wicomico
Year 1890
Month/Day June 19
Surname (Groom) Tull
First Name (Groom) Samuel
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) Furnis
First Name (Bride) Leah
Age (Groom) 25
Age (Bride) 22
Place of Birth (Bride) Allen, MD
Residence (Groom) Allen, MD
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Grant Brewinton and Minnie Tull
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #7

Year 1890
Month/Day July 9
Surname (Groom) Jones
First Name (Groom) Burnie
Surname (Bride) Tull
First Name (Bride) Betsy

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County Wicomico
Year 1890
Month/Day July 9
Surname (Groom) Jones
First Name (Groom) Burnie
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) Tull
First Name (Bride) Betsy
Age (Groom) 25
Age (Bride) 20
Place of Birth (Bride) Allen, MD
Residence (Groom) Allen, MD
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses James Peters and Leah Tull
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #8

Year 1890
Month/Day November 5
Surname (Groom) Toadvine
First Name (Groom) Charles H.
Surname (Bride) White
First Name (Bride) Maggie E.

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County Wicomico
Year 1890
Month/Day November 5
Surname (Groom) Toadvine
First Name (Groom) Charles H.
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) White
First Name (Bride) Maggie E.
Age (Groom) 25
Age (Bride) 22
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co.
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Sailor
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Henry Anderson and Annie Griffin
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #9

Year 1890
Month/Day December 21
Surname (Groom) Christopher
First Name (Groom) Edward
Surname (Bride) Anderson
First Name (Bride) Sarah

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County Wicomico
Year 1890
Month/Day December 21
Surname (Groom) Christopher
First Name (Groom) Edward
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) Anderson
First Name (Bride) Sarah
Age (Groom) 60
Age (Bride) 55
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co.
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Solomon Humphery and Lydia Logan
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #10

Year 1890
Month/Day December 24
Surname (Groom) Johns
First Name (Groom) George L.
Surname (Bride) Towsend
First Name (Bride) Sarah

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County Wicomico
Year 1890
Month/Day December 24
Surname (Groom) Johns
First Name (Groom) George L.
Place of Birth (Groom) Delaware
Surname (Bride) Towsend
First Name (Bride) Sarah
Age (Groom) 22
Age (Bride) 18
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co.
Residence (Groom) Cannon's Crossing, DE
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Perry and Elizabeth Puckcum
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #11

Year 1890
Month/Day December 30
Surname (Groom) Johnson
First Name (Groom) William
Surname (Bride) Collins
First Name (Bride) Fanny

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County Wicomico
Year 1890
Month/Day December 30
Surname (Groom) Johnson
First Name (Groom) William
Place of Birth (Groom) Somerset Co.
Surname (Bride) Collins
First Name (Bride) Fanny
Age (Groom) 65
Age (Bride) 55
Place of Birth (Bride) Somerset Co.
Residence (Groom) Princess Anne, MD
Residence (Bridge) Princess Anne
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Great Hope Missio
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses George and Amanda Cannon
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Collens Colling Collings Colins
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Record #12

Year 1890
Month/Day December 31
Surname (Groom) Spence
First Name (Groom) John
Surname (Bride) Jones
First Name (Bride) Sarah

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County Wicomico
Year 1890
Month/Day December 31
Surname (Groom) Spence
First Name (Groom) John
Place of Birth (Groom) Somerset Co.
Surname (Bride) Jones
First Name (Bride) Sarah
Age (Groom) 25
Age (Bride) 19
Place of Birth (Bride) Somerset Co.
Residence (Groom) Widgeon, MD
Residence (Bridge) Widgeon, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Widgeon, MD
Occupation (Groom) Sailor
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses John Banks and Hattie Wilson
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Jon
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Record #13

Year 1891
Month/Day March 12
Surname (Groom) Waters
First Name (Groom) Stephen H.
Surname (Bride) Robinson
First Name (Bride) Esther

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County Wicomico
Year 1891
Month/Day March 12
Surname (Groom) Waters
First Name (Groom) Stephen H.
Place of Birth (Groom) Somerset Co.
Surname (Bride) Robinson
First Name (Bride) Esther
Age (Groom) 45
Age (Bride) 47
Place of Birth (Bride) Somerset Co.
Residence (Groom) Eden, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother Levin and Milky Robinson, Milky Pollitt
Place of Marriage Eden, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Eden E. Robinson, Jane Robinson, Fredrick Gumby
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #14

Year 1891
Month/Day May 12
Surname (Groom) Gunby
First Name (Groom) Frederick
Surname (Bride) Collier
First Name (Bride) Ella

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County Wicomico
Year 1891
Month/Day May 12
Surname (Groom) Gunby
First Name (Groom) Frederick
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) Collier
First Name (Bride) Ella
Age (Groom) 22
Age (Bride) 18
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co.
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, Md
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Oscar B. Jones and Bertha Collins
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #15

Year 1891
Month/Day May 13
Surname (Groom) Banks
First Name (Groom) William
Surname (Bride) Wright
First Name (Bride) Emeline

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County Wicomico
Year 1891
Month/Day May 13
Surname (Groom) Banks
First Name (Groom) William
Place of Birth (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Surname (Bride) Wright
First Name (Bride) Emeline
Age (Groom) 39
Age (Bride) 21
Place of Birth (Bride) Fruitland Co.
Residence (Groom) Wicomico, MD
Residence (Bridge) Eden, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Leone Wright and Mary E. Black
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Bankes
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Record #16

Year 1891
Month/Day September 10
Surname (Groom) Fields
First Name (Groom) George W.
Surname (Bride) Dashiell
First Name (Bride) Sarah

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County Wicomico
Year 1891
Month/Day September 10
Surname (Groom) Fields
First Name (Groom) George W.
Place of Birth (Groom) Somerset Co.
Surname (Bride) Dashiell
First Name (Bride) Sarah
Age (Groom) 35
Age (Bride) 31
Place of Birth (Bride) Somerset Co.
Residence (Groom) Dames Quarter, MD
Residence (Bridge) Eden, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Sailor
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses J. C. Dunn and S. Edith Cleggette
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #17

Year 1891
Month/Day September 23
Surname (Groom) Christopher
First Name (Groom) Charles W.
Surname (Bride) Beckett
First Name (Bride) Mamie

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County Wicomico
Year 1891
Month/Day September 23
Surname (Groom) Christopher
First Name (Groom) Charles W.
Place of Birth (Groom) Somerset Co.
Surname (Bride) Beckett
First Name (Bride) Mamie
Age (Groom) 22
Age (Bride) 23
Place of Birth (Bride) Somerset Co.
Residence (Groom) Eden, Md
Residence (Bridge) Eden, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Eden, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Andrew Barkley and Sarinda Horsey
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #18

Year 1891
Month/Day October 15
Surname (Groom) Stanford
First Name (Groom) William W.
Surname (Bride) Raison
First Name (Bride) Jane

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County Wicomico
Year 1891
Month/Day October 15
Surname (Groom) Stanford
First Name (Groom) William W.
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) Raison
First Name (Bride) Jane
Age (Groom) 49
Age (Bride) 22
Place of Birth (Bride) Cecil Co.
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother Afro-American
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Nathaniel Stanford and Druscilla Brooks
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #19

Year 1891
Month/Day December 23
Surname (Groom) Banks
First Name (Groom) Granville
Surname (Bride) Griffin
First Name (Bride) Eliza

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County Wicomico
Year 1891
Month/Day December 23
Surname (Groom) Banks
First Name (Groom) Granville
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) Griffin
First Name (Bride) Eliza
Age (Groom) 22
Age (Bride) 19
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Sailor
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses John Griffin and Ronie Naine
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Bankes
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Record #20

Year 1891
Month/Day December 30
Surname (Groom) Stanford
First Name (Groom) Lemuel B.
Surname (Bride) King
First Name (Bride) Charlotte

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County Wicomico
Year 1891
Month/Day December 30
Surname (Groom) Stanford
First Name (Groom) Lemuel B.
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) King
First Name (Bride) Charlotte
Age (Groom) 23
Age (Bride) 20
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co.
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Allen, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses John Tull and Annie K. Noble
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #21

Year 1891
Month/Day December 31
Surname (Groom) Waters
First Name (Groom) Jerome
Surname (Bride) Horsey
First Name (Bride) Lottie

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County Wicomico
Year 1891
Month/Day December 31
Surname (Groom) Waters
First Name (Groom) Jerome
Place of Birth (Groom) Somerset Co.
Surname (Bride) Horsey
First Name (Bride) Lottie
Age (Groom) 26
Age (Bride) 22
Place of Birth (Bride) Somerset Co.
Residence (Groom) Princess Anne, MD
Residence (Bridge) Eden, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Eden, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Walter Cornish and Emma Bailey
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #22

Year 1892
Month/Day January 7
Surname (Groom) Dennis
First Name (Groom) Jerome
Surname (Bride) Dutton
First Name (Bride) Annie T.

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County Wicomico
Year 1892
Month/Day January 7
Surname (Groom) Dennis
First Name (Groom) Jerome
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) Dutton
First Name (Bride) Annie T.
Age (Groom) 29
Age (Bride) 22
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co.
Residence (Groom) Allen, MD
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Allen, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses John W. Tull and Annie R. Noble
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Denis
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Record #23

Year 1892
Month/Day January 20
Surname (Groom) Pope
First Name (Groom) John P.
Surname (Bride) King
First Name (Bride) Naomi

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County Wicomico
Year 1892
Month/Day January 20
Surname (Groom) Pope
First Name (Groom) John P.
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) King
First Name (Bride) Naomi
Age (Groom) 26
Age (Bride) 19
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co.
Residence (Groom) Allen, MD
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Allen, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Grant Brewington and Alice Brewington
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Jon
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Record #24

Year 1892
Month/Day February 10
Surname (Groom) Brooks
First Name (Groom) John W.
Surname (Bride) Wilson
First Name (Bride) Hattie E.

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County Wicomico
Year 1892
Month/Day February 10
Surname (Groom) Brooks
First Name (Groom) John W.
Place of Birth (Groom) Somerset Co.
Surname (Bride) Wilson
First Name (Bride) Hattie E.
Age (Groom) 25
Age (Bride) 25
Place of Birth (Bride) Somerset Co.
Residence (Groom) Widgeon, MD
Residence (Bridge) Widgeon, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Widgeon, MD
Occupation (Groom) Sailor
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Joseph M. Cornish and Hester M Elsey
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Jon
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Record #25

Year 1892
Month/Day May 24
Surname (Groom) McBride
First Name (Groom) Washington H.
Surname (Bride) Tull
First Name (Bride) Sarah

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County Wicomico
Year 1892
Month/Day May 24
Surname (Groom) McBride
First Name (Groom) Washington H.
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) Tull
First Name (Bride) Sarah
Age (Groom) 38
Age (Bride) 49
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co.
Residence (Groom) Allen, MD
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Henry W. Polk and Caroline Tull
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #26

Year 1892
Month/Day June 1
Surname (Groom) Barkley
First Name (Groom) Andrew
Surname (Bride) Horsey
First Name (Bride) Linnda

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County Wicomico
Year 1892
Month/Day June 1
Surname (Groom) Barkley
First Name (Groom) Andrew
Place of Birth (Groom) Somerset Co.
Surname (Bride) Horsey
First Name (Bride) Linnda
Age (Groom) 24
Age (Bride) 16
Place of Birth (Bride) Somerset Co.
Residence (Groom) Eden, Md
Residence (Bridge) Eden, Md
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Eden, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Joshua Black and Cornilia R. Donahue
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Barkeley Berkeley Barklett
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Record #27

Year 1892
Month/Day June 1
Surname (Groom) Wright
First Name (Groom) William A. H.
Surname (Bride) Townsend
First Name (Bride) Amelia E.

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County Wicomico
Year 1892
Month/Day June 1
Surname (Groom) Wright
First Name (Groom) William A. H.
Place of Birth (Groom) Somerset Co.
Surname (Bride) Townsend
First Name (Bride) Amelia E.
Age (Groom) 22
Age (Bride) 17
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co.
Residence (Groom) Rockenek, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Sailor
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses D. R. Dunn and Hester A. Burris
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Townsends
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Record #28

Year 1892
Month/Day July 25
Surname (Groom) Brown
First Name (Groom) Thomas
Surname (Bride) Parson
First Name (Bride) Margaret

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County Wicomico
Year 1892
Month/Day July 25
Surname (Groom) Brown
First Name (Groom) Thomas
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) Parson
First Name (Bride) Margaret
Age (Groom) 64
Age (Bride) 30
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co.
Residence (Groom) Allen, MD
Residence (Bridge) Eden, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Eden, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses William Dashiell and Jane Whitney
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #29

Year 1892
Month/Day August 3
Surname (Groom) Waters
First Name (Groom) Wm T.
Surname (Bride) Gale
First Name (Bride) Laura

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County Wicomico
Year 1892
Month/Day August 3
Surname (Groom) Waters
First Name (Groom) Wm T.
Place of Birth (Groom) Somerset Co.
Surname (Bride) Gale
First Name (Bride) Laura
Age (Groom) 23
Age (Bride) 19
Place of Birth (Bride) Somerset Co.
Residence (Groom) Somerset, MD
Residence (Bridge) Widgeon, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Widgeon, MD
Occupation (Groom) Sailor
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Eber Jones and Elenora Waters
State Maryland
Alt. Terms William Gayle
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Record #30

Year 1892
Month/Day September 22
Surname (Groom) Gale
First Name (Groom) John
Surname (Bride) Dutton
First Name (Bride) Lena

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County Wicomico
Year 1892
Month/Day September 22
Surname (Groom) Gale
First Name (Groom) John
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) Dutton
First Name (Bride) Lena
Age (Groom) 22
Age (Bride) 18
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co.
Residence (Groom) Allen, MD
Residence (Bridge)
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Allen, MD
Occupation (Groom) Sailor
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Alexander Brewington and Alice F. Brewington
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Jon Gayle
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Record #31

Year 1892
Month/Day November 6
Surname (Groom) Black
First Name (Groom) Hezekiah
Surname (Bride) Robbins
First Name (Bride) Sarah J.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1892
Month/Day November 6
Surname (Groom) Black
First Name (Groom) Hezekiah
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) Robbins
First Name (Bride) Sarah J.
Age (Groom) 22
Age (Bride) 21
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co.
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Rockwalking, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmhand
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses John Black, Jane Hughes, and, Mar. Cornish
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #32

Year 1892
Month/Day November 17
Surname (Groom) Morris
First Name (Groom) George H.
Surname (Bride) Allen
First Name (Bride) Matilda

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1892
Month/Day November 17
Surname (Groom) Morris
First Name (Groom) George H.
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) Allen
First Name (Bride) Matilda
Age (Groom) 25
Age (Bride) 20
Place of Birth (Bride) Kent Co., DE
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses John H. Williams and R. F. Brewington
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #33

Year 1892
Month/Day December 27
Surname (Groom) Stanford
First Name (Groom) Nathaniel
Surname (Bride) Dashield
First Name (Bride) Mary M.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1892
Month/Day December 27
Surname (Groom) Stanford
First Name (Groom) Nathaniel
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) Dashield
First Name (Bride) Mary M.
Age (Groom) 22
Age (Bride) 18
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co.
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmhand
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Jacob C. Dunn and Dorothy Dashield
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #34

Year 1892
Month/Day December 28
Surname (Groom) Hudson
First Name (Groom) Ernest J.
Surname (Bride) Harmon
First Name (Bride) Martha E.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1892
Month/Day December 28
Surname (Groom) Hudson
First Name (Groom) Ernest J.
Place of Birth (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Surname (Bride) Harmon
First Name (Bride) Martha E.
Age (Groom) 22
Age (Bride) 20
Place of Birth (Bride) Eden, MD
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Eden, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Eden, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmhand
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses James Hudson and Laura E. Harmon
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Harman Harman Harmanson
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Record #35

Year 1892
Month/Day December 28
Surname (Groom) Hughes
First Name (Groom) John R.
Surname (Bride) Dorman
First Name (Bride) Hester

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1892
Month/Day December 28
Surname (Groom) Hughes
First Name (Groom) John R.
Place of Birth (Groom) Nanticoke, MD
Surname (Bride) Dorman
First Name (Bride) Hester
Age (Groom) 22
Age (Bride) 19
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co.
Residence (Groom) Nanticoke, MD
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Allen, MD
Occupation (Groom) Sailor
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Samil C. Dashield and Anna J. Hudson
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Jon Hewes Hews Hues Hughs
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Record #36

Year 1893
Month/Day January 18
Surname (Groom) Banks
First Name (Groom) Nicholas
Surname (Bride) Brewington
First Name (Bride) Alice

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1893
Month/Day January 18
Surname (Groom) Banks
First Name (Groom) Nicholas
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) Brewington
First Name (Bride) Alice
Age (Groom) 27
Age (Bride) 30
Place of Birth (Bride) Somerset Co.
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Allen, MD
Occupation (Groom) Sailor
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Grant Brewington and Anna J. Osborne
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Bankes
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Record #37

Year 1893
Month/Day February 22
Surname (Groom) Morris
First Name (Groom) Joshua C.
Surname (Bride) Hudson
First Name (Bride) Mary C.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1893
Month/Day February 22
Surname (Groom) Morris
First Name (Groom) Joshua C.
Place of Birth (Groom) Worcester Co.
Surname (Bride) Hudson
First Name (Bride) Mary C.
Age (Groom) 22
Age (Bride) 19
Place of Birth (Bride) Wicomico Co.
Residence (Groom) Delmar
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmhand
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Ernest Pollitt and Anna C. Pollit
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #38

Year 1893
Month/Day March 22
Surname (Groom) Morris
First Name (Groom) George
Surname (Bride) Brooks
First Name (Bride) Drucilla

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1893
Month/Day March 22
Surname (Groom) Morris
First Name (Groom) George
Place of Birth (Groom) Somerset Co.
Surname (Bride) Brooks
First Name (Bride) Drucilla
Age (Groom) 65
Age (Bride) 45
Place of Birth (Bride) Somerset Co.
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmhand
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses Louis Hopkins and Mary E. Gunby
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #39

Year 1893
Month/Day September 27
Surname (Groom) Anderson
First Name (Groom) Charles P.
Surname (Bride) Handy
First Name (Bride) Medora E.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1893
Month/Day September 27
Surname (Groom) Anderson
First Name (Groom) Charles P.
Place of Birth (Groom) Worcester Co.
Surname (Bride) Handy
First Name (Bride) Medora E.
Age (Groom) 26
Age (Bride) 22
Place of Birth (Bride) Worcester Co.
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Sailor
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
Witnesses John H. Williams and Elvira C. Pinkete
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #40

Year 1894
Month/Day May 14
Surname (Groom) Bivans
First Name (Groom) John
Surname (Bride) Hull
First Name (Bride) Edith

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1894
Month/Day May 14
Surname (Groom) Bivans
First Name (Groom) John
Place of Birth (Groom) Rock Creek
Surname (Bride) Hull
First Name (Bride) Edith
Age (Groom) 22
Age (Bride) 18
Place of Birth (Bride) Rock Creek
Residence (Groom) Rock Creek
Residence (Bridge) Rock Creek
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Oysterman
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Jon
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Record #41

Year 1894
Month/Day August 2
Surname (Groom) Nutter
First Name (Groom) Spencer J.
Surname (Bride) Brown
First Name (Bride) Elizabeth

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1894
Month/Day August 2
Surname (Groom) Nutter
First Name (Groom) Spencer J.
Place of Birth (Groom) Allen, MD
Surname (Bride) Brown
First Name (Bride) Elizabeth
Age (Groom) 23
Age (Bride) 18
Place of Birth (Bride) Allen, MD
Residence (Groom) Allen, MD
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Allen, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #42

Year 1895
Month/Day October 17
Surname (Groom) Fields
First Name (Groom) Oscar
Surname (Bride) Morris
First Name (Bride) Nellie

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1895
Month/Day October 17
Surname (Groom) Fields
First Name (Groom) Oscar
Place of Birth (Groom) Dames Quarter, MD
Surname (Bride) Morris
First Name (Bride) Nellie
Age (Groom) 22
Age (Bride) 18
Place of Birth (Bride) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Groom) Dames Quarter, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Oysterman
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #43

Year 1895
Month/Day December 5
Surname (Groom) Cottman
First Name (Groom) Robert J.
Surname (Bride) Morris
First Name (Bride) Rosie

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1895
Month/Day December 5
Surname (Groom) Cottman
First Name (Groom) Robert J.
Place of Birth (Groom) Princess Anne, MD
Surname (Bride) Morris
First Name (Bride) Rosie
Age (Groom) 23
Age (Bride) 23
Place of Birth (Bride) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Groom) Princess Anne, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #44

Year 1895
Month/Day March 11
Surname (Groom) Nutter
First Name (Groom) Horace
Surname (Bride) Dutton
First Name (Bride) Emma

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1895
Month/Day March 11
Surname (Groom) Nutter
First Name (Groom) Horace
Place of Birth (Groom) Nanticoke
Surname (Bride) Dutton
First Name (Bride) Emma
Age (Groom) 25
Age (Bride) 19
Place of Birth (Bride) Quantico
Residence (Groom) Nanticoke
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Oysterman
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #45

Year 1895
Month/Day April 10
Surname (Groom) Milbourne
First Name (Groom) Oscar
Surname (Bride) Pollett
First Name (Bride) Annie C.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1895
Month/Day April 10
Surname (Groom) Milbourne
First Name (Groom) Oscar
Place of Birth (Groom) Deal Island
Surname (Bride) Pollett
First Name (Bride) Annie C.
Age (Groom) 24
Age (Bride) 19
Place of Birth (Bride) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Groom) Deals Island
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Oysterman
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Polit Politt Pollitt Pollit Pullett Pullet
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Record #46

Year 1895
Month/Day June 27
Surname (Groom) Rock
First Name (Groom) Jacob
Surname (Bride) Jones
First Name (Bride) Matilda

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1895
Month/Day June 27
Surname (Groom) Rock
First Name (Groom) Jacob
Place of Birth (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Surname (Bride) Jones
First Name (Bride) Matilda
Age (Groom) 22
Age (Bride) 20
Place of Birth (Bride) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom)
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #47

Year 1895
Month/Day June 30
Surname (Groom) Graham
First Name (Groom) Samuel
Surname (Bride) Lankford
First Name (Bride) Hester Ann

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1895
Month/Day June 30
Surname (Groom) Graham
First Name (Groom) Samuel
Place of Birth (Groom) Eden, MD
Surname (Bride) Lankford
First Name (Bride) Hester Ann
Age (Groom) 34
Age (Bride) 27
Place of Birth (Bride) Eden, MD
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Lunkford Langford
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Record #48

Year 1895
Month/Day September 25
Surname (Groom) Anthony
First Name (Groom) Joseph C.
Surname (Bride) Black
First Name (Bride) Ethel F.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1895
Month/Day September 25
Surname (Groom) Anthony
First Name (Groom) Joseph C.
Place of Birth (Groom) Scotland Neck, N. C.
Surname (Bride) Black
First Name (Bride) Ethel F.
Age (Groom) 31
Age (Bride) 21
Place of Birth (Bride) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Groom) Germantown
Residence (Bridge) Philadelphia, PA
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Caterer
Officiating Minister D. R. Dunn
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #49

Year 1895
Month/Day October 6
Surname (Groom) Jones
First Name (Groom) Sewall T.
Surname (Bride) Smith
First Name (Bride) Estella

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1895
Month/Day October 6
Surname (Groom) Jones
First Name (Groom) Sewall T.
Place of Birth (Groom) Rock Creek
Surname (Bride) Smith
First Name (Bride) Estella
Age (Groom) 23
Age (Bride) 22
Place of Birth (Bride) Snow Hll, MD
Residence (Groom) Rock Creek
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Oysterman
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #50

Year 1895
Month/Day November 6
Surname (Groom) Noble
First Name (Groom) John H.
Surname (Bride) Johnson
First Name (Bride) Letitia

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1895
Month/Day November 6
Surname (Groom) Noble
First Name (Groom) John H.
Place of Birth (Groom) Allen, MD
Surname (Bride) Johnson
First Name (Bride) Letitia
Age (Groom) 70
Age (Bride) 45
Place of Birth (Bride) Allen, MD
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Jon
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Record #51

Year 1889
Month/Day May 16
Surname (Groom) Dashield
First Name (Groom) Wm. J.
Surname (Bride) Williams
First Name (Bride) Rosie

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1889
Month/Day May 16
Surname (Groom) Dashield
First Name (Groom) Wm. J.
Place of Birth (Groom) Tappe District
Surname (Bride) Williams
First Name (Bride) Rosie
Age (Groom) 45
Age (Bride) 35
Place of Birth (Bride) Dorchester Co.
Residence (Groom) Allen, MD
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms William
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Record #52

Year 1896
Month/Day January 2
Surname (Groom) King
First Name (Groom) James H.
Surname (Bride) Dorman
First Name (Bride) Mamie

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1896
Month/Day January 2
Surname (Groom) King
First Name (Groom) James H.
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Dorman
First Name (Bride) Mamie
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom) Polk's Road
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Allen, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #53

Year 1896
Month/Day January 22
Surname (Groom) Harman
First Name (Groom) Charles W.
Surname (Bride) Hudson
First Name (Bride) Laura N.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1896
Month/Day January 22
Surname (Groom) Harman
First Name (Groom) Charles W.
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Hudson
First Name (Bride) Laura N.
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge)
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #54

Year 1896
Month/Day January 22
Surname (Groom) King
First Name (Groom) James
Surname (Bride) Jones
First Name (Bride) Mary C.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1896
Month/Day January 22
Surname (Groom) King
First Name (Groom) James
Place of Birth (Groom) Salisbury
Surname (Bride) Jones
First Name (Bride) Mary C.
Age (Groom) 27
Age (Bride) 22
Place of Birth (Bride) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #55

Surname (Groom) Jones
First Name (Groom) David
Surname (Bride) Tull
First Name (Bride) Lizzie

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Surname (Groom) Jones
First Name (Groom) David
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Tull
First Name (Bride) Lizzie
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom)
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Allen, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #56

Year 1896
Month/Day March 11
Surname (Groom) Dashield
First Name (Groom) Levi
Surname (Bride) Barclay
First Name (Bride) Senore

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1896
Month/Day March 11
Surname (Groom) Dashield
First Name (Groom) Levi
Place of Birth (Groom) Wicomico Co.
Surname (Bride) Barclay
First Name (Bride) Senore
Age (Groom) 22
Age (Bride) 19
Place of Birth (Bride) Eden, MD
Residence (Groom) Eden, MD
Residence (Bridge) Eden, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Eden, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #57

Year 1896
Month/Day April 7
Surname (Groom) Townsend
First Name (Groom) George W.
Surname (Bride) Banks
First Name (Bride) Sophia E.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1896
Month/Day April 7
Surname (Groom) Townsend
First Name (Groom) George W.
Place of Birth (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Surname (Bride) Banks
First Name (Bride) Sophia E.
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Sailing
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Bankes Townsends
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Record #58

Year 1896
Month/Day April 8
Surname (Groom) Barclay
First Name (Groom) Alberme
Surname (Bride) Wright
First Name (Bride) Laura E.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1896
Month/Day April 8
Surname (Groom) Barclay
First Name (Groom) Alberme
Place of Birth (Groom) Somerset Co.
Surname (Bride) Wright
First Name (Bride) Laura E.
Age (Groom) 25
Age (Bride) 18
Place of Birth (Bride) Somerset Co.
Residence (Groom) Eden, MD
Residence (Bridge) Eden, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Allen, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister William S. Brown
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #59

Year 1896
Month/Day June 4
Surname (Groom) Kellum
First Name (Groom) James
Surname (Bride) Brewington
First Name (Bride) Martha

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1896
Month/Day June 4
Surname (Groom) Kellum
First Name (Groom) James
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Brewington
First Name (Bride) Martha
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom) Virginia
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage
Occupation (Groom)
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #60

Year 1896
Month/Day July 15
Surname (Groom) Brewington
First Name (Groom) Alexander
Surname (Bride) Nutter
First Name (Bride) Alverta

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1896
Month/Day July 15
Surname (Groom) Brewington
First Name (Groom) Alexander
Place of Birth (Groom) Allen, MD
Surname (Bride) Nutter
First Name (Bride) Alverta
Age (Groom) 40
Age (Bride) 22
Place of Birth (Bride) Widgeon, MD
Residence (Groom) Allen, Md
Residence (Bridge) Widgeon, MD
Maiden Name of Mother Isaac and Milly Brewington and James and Ella Nutter
Place of Marriage Allen, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #61

Year 1896
Month/Day August 9
Surname (Groom) Horsey
First Name (Groom) Charles
Surname (Bride) Gale
First Name (Bride) Emma

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1896
Month/Day August 9
Surname (Groom) Horsey
First Name (Groom) Charles
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Gale
First Name (Bride) Emma
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom)
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother George and Caroline Gale
Place of Marriage Allen, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Gayle
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Record #62

Year 1896
Month/Day August 9
Surname (Groom) Gale
First Name (Groom) John E.
Surname (Bride) Allen
First Name (Bride) Rachel

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1896
Month/Day August 9
Surname (Groom) Gale
First Name (Groom) John E.
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Allen
First Name (Bride) Rachel
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom) Widgeon, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother Charles and Mary Allen; Mary Burris
Place of Marriage
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Jon Gayle
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Record #63

Year 1896
Month/Day September 30
Surname (Groom) Brewington
First Name (Groom) Grant
Surname (Bride) Green
First Name (Bride) Annie A.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1896
Month/Day September 30
Surname (Groom) Brewington
First Name (Groom) Grant
Place of Birth (Groom) Allen, MD
Surname (Bride) Green
First Name (Bride) Annie A.
Age (Groom) 23
Age (Bride) 21
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom) Allen, MD
Residence (Bridge)
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Allen, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #64

Year 1896
Month/Day December 24
Surname (Groom) Hughes
First Name (Groom) William
Surname (Bride) Collins
First Name (Bride) Sarah

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1896
Month/Day December 24
Surname (Groom) Hughes
First Name (Groom) William
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Collins
First Name (Bride) Sarah
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother John Hughes and Catherine Collins
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Collens Colling Collings Hewes Hews Hues Hughs Colins
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Record #65

Year 1897
Month/Day February 10
Surname (Groom) Gibson
First Name (Groom) Charles
Surname (Bride) Donohoe
First Name (Bride) Cornelia R.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1897
Month/Day February 10
Surname (Groom) Gibson
First Name (Groom) Charles
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Donohoe
First Name (Bride) Cornelia R.
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom) Flower Hill
Residence (Bridge) Eden, MD
Maiden Name of Mother Julius and Anna Donohue; Annie Christopher
Place of Marriage
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #66

Year 1897
Month/Day April 29
Surname (Groom) Parsons
First Name (Groom) Charles H.
Surname (Bride) Harman
First Name (Bride) Mollie E.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1897
Month/Day April 29
Surname (Groom) Parsons
First Name (Groom) Charles H.
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Harman
First Name (Bride) Mollie E.
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Great Hope
Maiden Name of Mother John and Mary Harman; Mary Dutton
Place of Marriage
Occupation (Groom) Farming
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #67

Year 1897
Month/Day June 9
Surname (Groom) Barclay
First Name (Groom) Andrew
Surname (Bride) Highland
First Name (Bride) Alpetine

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1897
Month/Day June 9
Surname (Groom) Barclay
First Name (Groom) Andrew
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Highland
First Name (Bride) Alpetine
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom) Eden, MD
Residence (Bridge) Eden, MD
Maiden Name of Mother Alden and Cynthia Highland; Cythinia Wright
Place of Marriage
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #68

Year 1898
Month/Day September 22
Surname (Groom) Donohoe
First Name (Groom) Talbot A.
Surname (Bride) Wright
First Name (Bride) Sallie J.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1898
Month/Day September 22
Surname (Groom) Donohoe
First Name (Groom) Talbot A.
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Wright
First Name (Bride) Sallie J.
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom) Eden, MD
Residence (Bridge) Eden, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Eden, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #69

Year 1898
Month/Day December 7
Surname (Groom) Whitney
First Name (Groom) Thomas J.
Surname (Bride) Peters
First Name (Bride) Sarah A.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1898
Month/Day December 7
Surname (Groom) Whitney
First Name (Groom) Thomas J.
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Peters
First Name (Bride) Sarah A.
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom) Allen, MD
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Allen, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #70

Year 1898
Month/Day December 28
Surname (Groom) Barclay
First Name (Groom) Coulborn
Surname (Bride) Wright
First Name (Bride) Edna

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1898
Month/Day December 28
Surname (Groom) Barclay
First Name (Groom) Coulborn
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Wright
First Name (Bride) Edna
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom) Eden, MD
Residence (Bridge) Eden, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Eden, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #71

Year 1898
Month/Day December 28
Surname (Groom) Polk
First Name (Groom) James
Surname (Bride) Burris
First Name (Bride) Mary E.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1898
Month/Day December 28
Surname (Groom) Polk
First Name (Groom) James
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Burris
First Name (Bride) Mary E.
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom) Allen, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #72

Year 1898
Month/Day June 28
Surname (Groom) Dashield
First Name (Groom) David A.
Surname (Bride) Noble
First Name (Bride) Rosie U.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1898
Month/Day June 28
Surname (Groom) Dashield
First Name (Groom) David A.
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Noble
First Name (Bride) Rosie U.
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge) Fruitland, MD
Maiden Name of Mother John Dashield, Hannah Dashield, Martha Noble
Place of Marriage Fruitland, MD
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #73

Year 1897
Month/Day December 29
Surname (Groom) Gale
First Name (Groom) Samuel J.
Surname (Bride) Tull
First Name (Bride) Caroline

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1897
Month/Day December 29
Surname (Groom) Gale
First Name (Groom) Samuel J.
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Tull
First Name (Bride) Caroline
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom)
Residence (Bridge) Allen, MD
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms Gayle
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Record #74

Year 1897
Month/Day July 21
Surname (Groom) Wright
First Name (Groom) Alexander
Surname (Bride) Harman
First Name (Bride) Letitia W.

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1897
Month/Day July 21
Surname (Groom) Wright
First Name (Groom) Alexander
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Harman
First Name (Bride) Letitia W.
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom) Fruitland, MD
Residence (Bridge)
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage
Occupation (Groom) Farmer
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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Record #75

Year 1898
Month/Day April 19
Surname (Groom) Bowland
First Name (Groom) Nicholas
Surname (Bride) Henry
First Name (Bride) Lizzie

All Fields in This Record

County Wicomico
Year 1898
Month/Day April 19
Surname (Groom) Bowland
First Name (Groom) Nicholas
Place of Birth (Groom)
Surname (Bride) Henry
First Name (Bride) Lizzie
Age (Groom)
Age (Bride)
Place of Birth (Bride)
Residence (Groom) Somerset Co.
Residence (Bridge) Somerset Co.
Maiden Name of Mother
Place of Marriage
Occupation (Groom)
Officiating Minister J. S. Holly
State Maryland
Alt. Terms
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