Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History & Culture Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva's Black History

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Voter Registration Roll, Wicomico County, Barren Creek district, circa 1885

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July 7, 2021

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All Records in Voter Registration Roll, Wicomico County, Barren Creek district, circa 1885

Record #1

Surname Collier
First Name Perry
Age 42

All Fields in This Record

Surname Collier
First Name Perry
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 42
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 42
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? dead
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #2

Surname Cook
First Name John
Age 64

All Fields in This Record

Surname Cook
First Name John
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 64
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 64
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Dead
State Maryland
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Record #3

Surname Cook
First Name John, Jr.
Age 29

All Fields in This Record

Surname Cook
First Name John, Jr.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 29
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 29
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Removed to Del.
State Maryland
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Record #4

Surname Coulbourne
First Name Emory
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Coulbourne
First Name Emory
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Certificate
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 18
Duration (In Election District) 1
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Sept.
Naturalized (Day) 10
Naturalized (Year) 1887
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
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Record #5

Surname Cook
First Name Albert
Age 26

All Fields in This Record

Surname Cook
First Name Albert
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 26
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 26
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Sept.
Naturalized (Day) 10
Naturalized (Year) 1887
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Removed to Del.
State Maryland
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Record #6

Surname Dashiell
First Name Levi
Age 62

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name Levi
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 62
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 62
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
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Record #7

Surname Dashiell
First Name William
Age 27

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name William
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 27
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 27
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
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Record #8

Surname Dashiell
First Name Levin J.
Age 60

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name Levin J.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 60
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 60
Duration (In Election District) 20
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Dead
State Maryland
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Record #9

Surname Dashiell
First Name John W.
Age 26

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name John W.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 26
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 26
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
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Record #10

Surname Dashiell
First Name Franklin P.
Age 30

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name Franklin P.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 30
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 30
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Dead
State Maryland
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Record #11

Surname Dashiell
First Name Allison
Age 27

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name Allison
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 27
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 27
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
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Record #12

Surname Dashiell
First Name David
Age 55

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name David
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Certificate
Age 55
Place of Birth Somerset, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 55
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
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Record #13

Surname Dashiells
First Name Andrew
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiells
First Name Andrew
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District) 21
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3
Remarks BSB
State Maryland
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Record #14

Surname Dashiells
First Name James A.
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiells
First Name James A.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Certif.
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District) 21
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Remarks BSB
State Maryland
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Record #15

Surname Johnson
First Name George E.
Age 36

All Fields in This Record

Surname Johnson
First Name George E.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 36
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 36
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
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Record #16

Surname Jones
First Name George W.
Age 22

All Fields in This Record

Surname Jones
First Name George W.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Certificate
Age 22
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 16
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3
State Maryland
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Record #17

Surname Johnson
First Name Rufus
Age 48

All Fields in This Record

Surname Johnson
First Name Rufus
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 48
Place of Birth Somerset, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 48
Duration (In Election District) 48
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3
Remarks wjb
State Maryland
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Record #18

Surname Jefferson
First Name Isaac N.
Age 22

All Fields in This Record

Surname Jefferson
First Name Isaac N.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 22
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. Springs
Duration (In County) 22
Duration (In Election District) 22
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Remarks bsb
State Maryland
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Record #19

Surname Rider
First Name Charles
Age 24

All Fields in This Record

Surname Rider
First Name Charles
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 24
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 24
Duration (In Election District) 24
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Oct.
Naturalized (Day) 5
Naturalized (Year) 1891
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
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Record #20

Surname Slemons
First Name Charles
Age 23

All Fields in This Record

Surname Slemons
First Name Charles
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 23
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 23
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
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Record #21

Surname Stewart
First Name Charles E.
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Stewart
First Name Charles E.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Dorchester, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 20
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Oct.
Naturalized (Day) 4
Naturalized (Year) 1888
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3
Remarks wjb
State Maryland
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Record #22

Surname Walker
First Name Handy
Age 37

All Fields in This Record

Surname Walker
First Name Handy
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 37
Place of Birth Delaware
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 12
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
State Maryland
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Record #23

Surname Waller
First Name Isaiah
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Waller
First Name Isaiah
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
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Record #24

Surname Waller
First Name Isaac S.
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Waller
First Name Isaac S.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Removed to Cambridge Dorchester Co., Certificate
State Maryland
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Record #25

Surname Waller
First Name John E.
Age 37

All Fields in This Record

Surname Waller
First Name John E.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Certificate
Age 37
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County)
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Oct.
Naturalized (Day) 5
Naturalized (Year) 1885
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3
State Maryland
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Record #26

Surname Waller
First Name Charles H.
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Waller
First Name Charles H.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
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Record #27

Surname Walker
First Name Ebenezer
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Walker
First Name Ebenezer
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District) 21
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Removed to Salisbury
Remarks wjb
State Maryland
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Record #28

Surname Waller
First Name Sinclair
Age 22

All Fields in This Record

Surname Waller
First Name Sinclair
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 22
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 22
Duration (In Election District) 22
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Sept.
Naturalized (Day) 21
Naturalized (Year) 1891
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
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Record #29

Surname Waller
First Name Exodus
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Waller
First Name Exodus
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District) 21
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Sept.
Naturalized (Day) 21
Naturalized (Year) 1891
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Dead
Remarks wjb
State Maryland
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Record #30

Surname Waller
First Name George W.
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Waller
First Name George W.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District) 21
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
Remarks bsb
State Maryland
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Record #31

Surname Waller
First Name Abraham T.
Age 24

All Fields in This Record

Surname Waller
First Name Abraham T.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 24
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 24
Duration (In Election District) 24
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3
Remarks bsb
State Maryland
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Record #32

Surname Waller
First Name Hicks
Age 22

All Fields in This Record

Surname Waller
First Name Hicks
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 22
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 22
Duration (In Election District) 22
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3 X
Remarks bsb
State Maryland
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Record #33

Surname Waller
First Name Charles W.
Age 24

All Fields in This Record

Surname Waller
First Name Charles W.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 24
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 24
Duration (In Election District) 24
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
State Maryland
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Record #34

Surname Waller
First Name George W. of John
Age 29

All Fields in This Record

Surname Waller
First Name George W. of John
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 29
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 2
Duration (In Election District) 2
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
State Maryland
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Record #35

Surname Waller
First Name William
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Waller
First Name William
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District) 2
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
State Maryland
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Record #36

Surname Weatherly
First Name Constant
Age 30

All Fields in This Record

Surname Weatherly
First Name Constant
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 30
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 20
Duration (In Election District) 1
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Remarks bsb
State Maryland
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Record #37

Surname Dashiell
First Name Noah H.
Age 43

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name Noah H.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 43
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 43
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
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Record #38

Surname Dashiell
First Name James
Age 74

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name James
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 74
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 74
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Dead
State Maryland
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Record #39

Surname Dashiell
First Name Isaac
Age 50

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name Isaac
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 50
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 50
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
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Record #40

Surname Dashiell
First Name Samuel
Age 29

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name Samuel
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 29
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 29
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Removed to Salisbury
State Maryland
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Record #41

Surname Dashiell
First Name John S.
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name John S.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
State Maryland
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Record #42

Surname Dickerson
First Name Handy
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dickerson
First Name Handy
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Removed to Ddelaware
State Maryland
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Record #43

Surname Dashiell
First Name James
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name James
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
State Maryland
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Record #44

Surname Dashiell
First Name Moses
Age 23

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name Moses
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 23
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 23
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) 10
Naturalized (Day) 5
Naturalized (Year) 1886
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
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Record #45

Surname Dashiell
First Name Solomon J.
Age 23

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name Solomon J.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 23
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 23
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Sept.
Naturalized (Day) 10
Naturalized (Year) 1887
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
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Record #46

Surname Dashiell
First Name Robert
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name Robert
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Oct.
Naturalized (Day) 3
Naturalized (Year) 1887
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #47

Surname Dashiell
First Name Levin
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiell
First Name Levin
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District) 21
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Dead
Remarks wjb
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #48

Surname Dashiells
First Name William W.
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiells
First Name William W.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District) 21
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Remarks bsb
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #49

Surname Dashiells
First Name Charles
Age 52

All Fields in This Record

Surname Dashiells
First Name Charles
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Certificate
Age 52
Place of Birth Somerset, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 1
Duration (In Election District) 1
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Oct.
Naturalized (Day) 1
Naturalized (Year) 1894
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3
Remarks bs
State Maryland
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Record #50

Surname Ennis
First Name Clement
Age 62

All Fields in This Record

Surname Ennis
First Name Clement
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? sworn
Age 62
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 62
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Dead
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #51

Surname Ennis
First Name John
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Ennis
First Name John
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #52

Surname Ennis
First Name Samuel
Age 23

All Fields in This Record

Surname Ennis
First Name Samuel
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? sworn
Age 23
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 23
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Oct.
Naturalized (Day) 10
Naturalized (Year) 1889
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
Remarks wjb
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #53

Surname Gattis
First Name John
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Gattis
First Name John
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #54

Surname Gale
First Name James J.
Age 24

All Fields in This Record

Surname Gale
First Name James J.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 24
Place of Birth Wicomico County , M.d.
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District) 1
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Oct.
Naturalized (Day) 6
Naturalized (Year) 1891
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Removed to Salisbury by certificate
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #55

Surname Goslee
First Name Benjamin
Age 48

All Fields in This Record

Surname Goslee
First Name Benjamin
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 48
Place of Birth Wicomico County , M.d.
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 48
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Oct.
Naturalized (Day) 8
Naturalized (Year) 1891
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #56

Surname Griffith
First Name Stephen J.
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Griffith
First Name Stephen J.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District) 6
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #57

Surname Hull
First Name Ephraim
Age 53

All Fields in This Record

Surname Hull
First Name Ephraim
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 53
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 53
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #58

Surname Horsey
First Name Abraham
Age 45

All Fields in This Record

Surname Horsey
First Name Abraham
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 45
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 45
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #59

Surname Horsey
First Name John W.
Age 29

All Fields in This Record

Surname Horsey
First Name John W.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 29
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 29
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #60

Surname Hull
First Name James E.
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Hull
First Name James E.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #61

Surname Hull
First Name Robert L .
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Hull
First Name Robert L .
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico Co
Residence Barren Creek Dist, No. 1
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District) 21
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #62

Surname Johnson
First Name William M.
Age 23

All Fields in This Record

Surname Johnson
First Name William M.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 23
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 23
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #63

Surname Johnson
First Name Joseph
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Johnson
First Name Joseph
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Certificate
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #64

Surname Johnson
First Name Daniel J.
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Johnson
First Name Daniel J.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Evidence of Lambert N. Cooper
State Maryland
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Record #65

Surname Johnson
First Name Emory W.
Age 22

All Fields in This Record

Surname Johnson
First Name Emory W.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 22
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 22
Duration (In Election District) 22
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Oct.
Naturalized (Day) 5
Naturalized (Year) 1891
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Remarks wjb
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #66

Surname Johnson
First Name Joshua H.
Age 33

All Fields in This Record

Surname Johnson
First Name Joshua H.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 33
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 1
Duration (In Election District) 1
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Oct.
Naturalized (Day) 6
Naturalized (Year) 1891
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Remarks wjb
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #67

Surname Johnson
First Name William W.
Age 22

All Fields in This Record

Surname Johnson
First Name William W.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 22
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 22
Duration (In Election District) 22
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Sep.
Naturalized (Day) 21
Naturalized (Year) 1892
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #68

Surname Morris
First Name Samuel J.
Age 24

All Fields in This Record

Surname Morris
First Name Samuel J.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 24
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 24
Duration (In Election District) 5
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Sept.
Naturalized (Day) 21
Naturalized (Year) 1891
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Removed to Quantico by Certif.
Remarks wjb
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #69

Surname Polk
First Name Elias
Age 46

All Fields in This Record

Surname Polk
First Name Elias
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 46
Place of Birth Delaware
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 39
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #70

Surname Parker
First Name Henry
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Parker
First Name Henry
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #71

Surname Parker
First Name Samuel
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Parker
First Name Samuel
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #72

Surname Parker
First Name Joseph
Age 24

All Fields in This Record

Surname Parker
First Name Joseph
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 24
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 24
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Removed to Delaware
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #73

Surname Purnell
First Name Henry
Age 22

All Fields in This Record

Surname Purnell
First Name Henry
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 22
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 22
Duration (In Election District) 1
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Oct.
Naturalized (Day) 6
Naturalized (Year) 1891
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Remarks wjb
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #74

Surname Parker
First Name Joseph
Age 28

All Fields in This Record

Surname Parker
First Name Joseph
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 28
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County)
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month) Oct.
Naturalized (Day) 4
Naturalized (Year) 1892
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
Remarks bsb
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #75

Surname Polk
First Name William L.
Age 21

All Fields in This Record

Surname Polk
First Name William L.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 21
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B. C. District
Duration (In County) 21
Duration (In Election District) 21
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3 X
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #76

Surname Waller
First Name Isaac J.
Age 44

All Fields in This Record

Surname Waller
First Name Isaac J.
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 44
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 44
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1
Check Mark 2
Check Mark 3
Disqualified? Dead
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #77

Surname Waller
First Name Isaac
Age 34

All Fields in This Record

Surname Waller
First Name Isaac
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 34
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 34
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)
Naturalized (Year)
Court of Issue
Check Mark 1 X
Check Mark 2 X
Check Mark 3
State Maryland
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #78

Surname Winder
First Name Edward
Age 24

All Fields in This Record

Surname Winder
First Name Edward
Colored? Col.
Sworn or Affirmed? Sworn
Age 24
Place of Birth Wicomico, Co.,
Residence B.C. District
Duration (In County) 24
Duration (In Election District)
Duration (In Precent)
Naturalized (Month)
Naturalized (Day)