Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History & Culture Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva's Black History

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Virginia Bills of Sale from Accomack County Deeds, 1701-1838 (Library of Virginia African American Narratives project)

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October 29, 2021

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All Records in Virginia Bills of Sale from Accomack County Deeds, 1701-1838 (Library of Virginia African American Narratives project)

Record #1

Year 1817
Slave First Name Harry
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Ethel Lyon Exr of Sarah Lyon, deceased
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Hellen Burton

All Fields in This Record

Year 1817
Slave First Name Harry
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Ethel Lyon Exr of Sarah Lyon, deceased
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Hellen Burton
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes Hellen Burton's share of Sarah Lyon's Estate is being purchased by Executor
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #2

Year 1817
Slave First Name Tabby
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Ethel Lyon Exr of Sarah Lyon deceased
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Hellen Burton

All Fields in This Record

Year 1817
Slave First Name Tabby
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Ethel Lyon Exr of Sarah Lyon deceased
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Hellen Burton
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #3

Year 1817
Slave First Name Grace
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Ethel Lyon Exr of Sarah Lyon deceased
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Hellen Burton

All Fields in This Record

Year 1817
Slave First Name Grace
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Ethel Lyon Exr of Sarah Lyon deceased
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Hellen Burton
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child Peter
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #4

Year 1817
Slave First Name Peter
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Ethel Lyon Exr of Sarah Lyon deceased
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Hellen Burton

All Fields in This Record

Year 1817
Slave First Name Peter
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Ethel Lyon Exr of Sarah Lyon deceased
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Hellen Burton
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent Grace
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #5

Year 1817
Slave First Name Edmund
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Ethel Lyon Exr of Sarah Lyon deceased
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Hellen Burton

All Fields in This Record

Year 1817
Slave First Name Edmund
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Ethel Lyon Exr of Sarah Lyon deceased
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Hellen Burton
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #6

Year 1817
Slave First Name Hillery
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Ethel Lyon Exr of Sarah Lyon deceased
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Hellen Burton

All Fields in This Record

Year 1817
Slave First Name Hillery
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Ethel Lyon Exr of Sarah Lyon deceased
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Hellen Burton
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #7

Year 1817
Slave First Name Sinah
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Edwin L. Harris
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller George White

All Fields in This Record

Year 1817
Slave First Name Sinah
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Edwin L. Harris
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller George White
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child Isaac; Letty; Peter; John; Sarah
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #8

Year 1817
Slave First Name Isaac
Slave Surname
Age 12
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Edwin L Harris
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller George White

All Fields in This Record

Year 1817
Slave First Name Isaac
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Age 12
Physical Description yellow
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Edwin L Harris
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller George White
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent Sinah
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #9

Year 1817
Slave First Name Letty
Slave Surname
Age 10
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Edwin L Harris
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller George White

All Fields in This Record

Year 1817
Slave First Name Letty
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Age 10
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Edwin L Harris
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller George White
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent Sinah
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #10

Year 1817
Slave First Name Peter
Slave Surname
Age 8
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Edwin L Harris
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller George White

All Fields in This Record

Year 1817
Slave First Name Peter
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Age 8
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Edwin L Harris
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller George White
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent Sinah
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #11

Year 1817
Slave First Name John
Slave Surname
Age 4
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Edwin L Harris
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller George White

All Fields in This Record

Year 1817
Slave First Name John
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Age 4
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Edwin L Harris
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller George White
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent Sinah
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #12

Year 1817
Slave First Name Sarah
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Edwin L Harris
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller George White

All Fields in This Record

Year 1817
Slave First Name Sarah
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Edwin L Harris
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller George White
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent Sinah
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes age 18 months
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #13

Year 1818
Slave First Name Stephen
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Richard Bayly; John Bayly
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Stephen
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Richard Bayly; John Bayly
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #14

Year 1818
Slave First Name Leah
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Richard Bayly; John Bayly
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Leah
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Richard Bayly; John Bayly
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #15

Year 1818
Slave First Name Stephen
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Walston and Custis
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Stephen
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Walston and Custis
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #16

Year 1818
Slave First Name Leah
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Walston and Custis
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Leah
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Walston and Custis
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #17

Year 1818
Slave First Name Stephen
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Richard Bayly; John Bayly
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Stephen
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Richard Bayly; John Bayly
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #18

Year 1818
Slave First Name Leah
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Richard Bayly; John Bayly
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Leah
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Richard Bayly; John Bayly
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #19

Year 1818
Slave First Name Esther
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Richard Bayly; John Bayly
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Esther
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Richard Bayly; John Bayly
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #20

Year 1818
Slave First Name Stephen
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Richard D. Bayly & Co
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Stephen
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Richard D. Bayly & Co
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #21

Year 1818
Slave First Name Leah
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Richard D Bayly & Co
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Leah
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Richard D Bayly & Co
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #22

Year 1818
Slave First Name Ezekiel
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer John Ward Kellum
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Jonathan Rowles

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Ezekiel
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer John Ward Kellum
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Jonathan Rowles
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes Jonathan Rowles is uncle to John Ward Kellum
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #23

Year 1818
Slave First Name Ladus
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Abel W. Kellum
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Jonathan Rowles

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Ladus
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Abel W. Kellum
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Jonathan Rowles
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes Jonathan Rowles is uncle to Abel W Kellum
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #24

Year 1818
Slave First Name Daniel
Slave Surname
Age 25
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Smart
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Samuel Waples

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Daniel
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Age 25
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Smart
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Samuel Waples
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes William Smart is from South Carolina
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #25

Year 1818
Slave First Name Agnes
Slave Surname
Age 20
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Smart
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Samuel Waples

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Agnes
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Age 20
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Smart
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Samuel Waples
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child Sarah
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes William Smart is from South Carolina
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #26

Year 1818
Slave First Name Sarah
Slave Surname
Age 2
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Smart
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Samuel Waples

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Sarah
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Age 2
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Smart
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Samuel Waples
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent Agnes
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes William Smart is from South Carolina
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #27

Year 1818
Slave First Name Stephen
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Smart
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Stephen
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Smart
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Milby Holland
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes William Smart is from South Carolina
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #28

Year 1818
Slave First Name Jenney
Slave Surname
Age 13
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Smart
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Littleton Townsend

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Jenney
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Age 13
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Smart
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Littleton Townsend
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #29

Year 1818
Slave First Name Joseph
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas M. Bayly
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Admr of William Conquest, deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Joseph
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas M. Bayly
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Admr of William Conquest, deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #30

Year 1818
Slave First Name Esther
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas M Bayly
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Admr of William Conquest deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Esther
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas M Bayly
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Admr of William Conquest deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child unnamed
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #31

Year 1818
Slave First Name Unidentified
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas M Bayly
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Admr of William Conquest deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Unidentified
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas M Bayly
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Admr of William Conquest deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent Esther
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #32

Year 1818
Slave First Name Hessey
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas M Bayly
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Admr of William Conquest deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1818
Slave First Name Hessey
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas M Bayly
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Admr of William Conquest deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #33

Year 1794
Slave First Name London
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Eli Hornsby
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller William Hutchinson

All Fields in This Record

Year 1794
Slave First Name London
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Eli Hornsby
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller William Hutchinson
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #34

Year 1794
Slave First Name Abraham
Slave Surname
Age 13
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Vessells Sr.
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Southey Milliner

All Fields in This Record

Year 1794
Slave First Name Abraham
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Age 13
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Vessells Sr.
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Southey Milliner
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes date of birth 22 July 1781
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #35

Year 1795
Slave First Name Rachel
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas Grinalds
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Catherine Grinalds

All Fields in This Record

Year 1795
Slave First Name Rachel
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas Grinalds
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Catherine Grinalds
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child Dolly
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes Catherine is mother of Thomas
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #36

Year 1795
Slave First Name Wafe
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas Grinalds
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Catherine Grinalds

All Fields in This Record

Year 1795
Slave First Name Wafe
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas Grinalds
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Catherine Grinalds
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes Catherine is mother of Thomas
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #37

Year 1795
Slave First Name Harry
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas Grinalds
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Catherine Grinalds

All Fields in This Record

Year 1795
Slave First Name Harry
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas Grinalds
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Catherine Grinalds
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes Catherine is mother of Thomas
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #38

Year 1795
Slave First Name Pompy
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas Grinalds
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Catherine Grinalds

All Fields in This Record

Year 1795
Slave First Name Pompy
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas Grinalds
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Catherine Grinalds
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes Catherine is mother of Thomas
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #39

Year 1795
Slave First Name Dolly
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas Grinalds
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Catherine Grinalds

All Fields in This Record

Year 1795
Slave First Name Dolly
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas Grinalds
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Catherine Grinalds
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent Rachel
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes Dolly is child of Rachel; Catherine is mother of Thomas
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #40

Year 1785
Slave First Name Duke
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Elizabeth Teackle Sr.
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Severn Teackle

All Fields in This Record

Year 1785
Slave First Name Duke
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Elizabeth Teackle Sr.
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Severn Teackle
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #41

Year 1785
Slave First Name Litty
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Elizabeth Teackle Sr
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Severn Teackle

All Fields in This Record

Year 1785
Slave First Name Litty
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Elizabeth Teackle Sr
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Severn Teackle
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #42

Year 1785
Slave First Name Esther
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Elizabeth Teackle Sr
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Severn Teackle

All Fields in This Record

Year 1785
Slave First Name Esther
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Elizabeth Teackle Sr
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Severn Teackle
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #43

Year 1785
Slave First Name Able
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Elizabeth Teackle Sr
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Severn Teackle

All Fields in This Record

Year 1785
Slave First Name Able
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Elizabeth Teackle Sr
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Severn Teackle
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #44

Year 1785
Slave First Name Sall
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Elizabeth Teackle Sr
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Severn Teackle

All Fields in This Record

Year 1785
Slave First Name Sall
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Elizabeth Teackle Sr
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Severn Teackle
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #45

Year 1785
Slave First Name Rachel
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Elizabeth Teackle Sr
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Severn Teackle

All Fields in This Record

Year 1785
Slave First Name Rachel
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Elizabeth Teackle Sr
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Severn Teackle
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #46

Year 1785
Slave First Name James
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Severn Teackle
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Elizabeth Teackle Sr.

All Fields in This Record

Year 1785
Slave First Name James
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Severn Teackle
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Elizabeth Teackle Sr.
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #47

Year 1785
Slave First Name Isaac
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Severn Teackle
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Elizabeth Teackle Sr

All Fields in This Record

Year 1785
Slave First Name Isaac
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Severn Teackle
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Elizabeth Teackle Sr
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #48

Year 1785
Slave First Name Sarah
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Severn Teackle
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Elizabeth Teackle Sr

All Fields in This Record

Year 1785
Slave First Name Sarah
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Severn Teackle
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Elizabeth Teackle Sr
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #49

Year 1786
Slave First Name Joshua
Slave Surname
Age 10
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Mary Marshall
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Wise Marshall

All Fields in This Record

Year 1786
Slave First Name Joshua
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Age 10
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Mary Marshall
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Wise Marshall
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes Mary Marshall is daughter of Thomas Marshall deceased
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #50

Year 1786
Slave First Name Gorge
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Custis Kellum
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller George Poulson Sr.

All Fields in This Record

Year 1786
Slave First Name Gorge
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Custis Kellum
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller George Poulson Sr.
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #51

Year 1786
Slave First Name Daniel
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas Snead
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller John Holston

All Fields in This Record

Year 1786
Slave First Name Daniel
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Thomas Snead
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller John Holston
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #52

Year 1787
Slave First Name Milley
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Sleathel Baker
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller George Smith

All Fields in This Record

Year 1787
Slave First Name Milley
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Sleathel Baker
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller George Smith
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #53

Year 1787
Slave First Name Peg
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Taylor
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller William Patterson

All Fields in This Record

Year 1787
Slave First Name Peg
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Taylor
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller William Patterson
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child Leah; unidentified
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #54

Year 1787
Slave First Name Leah
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Taylor
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller William Patterson

All Fields in This Record

Year 1787
Slave First Name Leah
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Taylor
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller William Patterson
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #55

Year 1787
Slave First Name Peter
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Taylor
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller William Patterson

All Fields in This Record

Year 1787
Slave First Name Peter
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender M
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Taylor
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller William Patterson
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #56

Year 1787
Slave First Name Tamer
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Hessesy Tunnell
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Thomas Abbott

All Fields in This Record

Year 1787
Slave First Name Tamer
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Gender F
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Hessesy Tunnell
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Thomas Abbott
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #57

Year 1787
Slave First Name Lucy
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Jabez Pitt
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Thomas Abbott

All Fields in This Record

Year 1787
Slave First Name Lucy
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Jabez Pitt
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Thomas Abbott
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #58

Year 1787
Slave First Name Isaac
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Jabez Pitt
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Thomas Abbott

All Fields in This Record

Year 1787
Slave First Name Isaac
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer Jabez Pitt
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Thomas Abbott
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #59

Year 1788
Slave First Name Peter
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle, deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1788
Slave First Name Peter
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle, deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #60

Year 1788
Slave First Name Peter
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1788
Slave First Name Peter
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #61

Year 1788
Slave First Name Jacob
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1788
Slave First Name Jacob
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #62

Year 1788
Slave First Name Abel
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1788
Slave First Name Abel
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #63

Year 1788
Slave First Name Frank
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1788
Slave First Name Frank
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #64

Year 1788
Slave First Name Mirium
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1788
Slave First Name Mirium
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #65

Year 1788
Slave First Name Betty
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1788
Slave First Name Betty
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #66

Year 1788
Slave First Name Jacob
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1788
Slave First Name Jacob
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #67

Year 1788
Slave First Name Agniss
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1788
Slave First Name Agniss
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #68

Year 1788
Slave First Name Leah
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1788
Slave First Name Leah
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #69

Year 1788
Slave First Name Comfort
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1788
Slave First Name Comfort
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #70

Year 1788
Slave First Name Candes
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1788
Slave First Name Candes
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #71

Year 1788
Slave First Name Tab
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1788
Slave First Name Tab
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #72

Year 1788
Slave First Name Esther
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1788
Slave First Name Esther
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname
Slave Alias
Physical Description
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Owner's Alias
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased
Slave's Spouse
Slave's Child
Slave's Parent
Additional Documents
Recorder's Notes
Processor's Notes
EAD http://ead.lib.virginia.edu/vivaxtf/view?docId=lva/vi02286.xml
Locality Accomack County
Source Accomack County (Va.) Deeds, 1701-1838 (bulk 1737-1820)
Click on a field to move that field into top summary row for all records in this source.

Record #73

Year 1788
Slave First Name Sarah
Slave Surname
Current Owner's Name (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer William Williams
Prior Owner's Name, if applicable / Seller Tabitha Arbuckle Executrix for James Arbuckle deceased

All Fields in This Record

Year 1788
Slave First Name Sarah
Slave Middle Name
Slave Surname