Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History & Culture Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva's Black History

Record Detail

Record #70 from Freedmen's Bureau Correspondence on Schools, 1869-1870

Roll Number 5
Date 9 Oct 1868
State Maryland
County Somerset
City/Town/Neighborhood Princess Ann
Other Locations Mentioned Salisbury; Dames Quarter; Snow-Hill
Authors J.H. Butler
Recipient Rev. John Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Johnson and Clark; Mr. Monteith, Distributing Officer; Mr. Crisfield
Message Abstract States that [[underlined]] Johnson [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Clark [[/underlined]] have got out the frame work of the school-house and would like more orders of the same kind; that the people now need shingles, window frames, &c; that he held a meeting and the people are ready to build; that they have an order from the Disbursing Officer for all they need; that the whites are trying to prejudice the colored against the Supt. of Education because he wishes to recall the order
Message Body I am here at this place and failed to see Johnson and Clark the parties who had the frame work of the school House to get out. They said that they have sawed out the frame work according to order and every thing is ready to be delivered [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] at any time and cutting it down would be out of the queston, they say that they got the whol amount out under written contract and every thing is ready and they would like verry much to have more orders of the same sort from you The people here say that they are two as good men as can be started in this place And, I do not see what can be done more, than to give these people shingles, window frames and door and frame so the House can be put up and covered in before cold weather. Pine shingles can be bought here at 5 dollars per thousand and the sash of windows are here but no window frames they have eight set of window sash and they are verry large [new page] We had a large meeting to night and the people seems willing to go on with the work of building as soon as they heare from you. Mr. Monteith disbursing officer has given the people an order for every thing they need to build the House all named and signed by him but nothing has been delvered but the order of Johnson & Clark and the official papers the trustees hold the white lawyers including Mr. Crisfield who is the leading man here tell the colored people that they can get every thing named in the order because it was given and signed by the proper officer at that time and they (the white) people say that you is not the colored people's friend that is the reason you want to take back that order they are waiting to see what disposition you intend to make of this order and then they will let the colored people see that they are their friends. please write to me at Saulsbury after the 12th I am gouing to Deales Island from there [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] to Dames Quarter then to Snow-Hill
Transcribers Notes

If you are citing this record, please use the following format:

[Author (if known)], Freedmen's Bureau Correspondence on Schools, 1869-1870, 1868, Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva’s Black History, Nabb Research Center, Salisbury University.

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