Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History & Culture Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva's Black History

Record Detail

Record #5 from Freedmen's Bureau Correspondence on Schools, 1869-1870

Roll Number 5
Date 28 Nov 1868
State Maryland
County Baltimore
City/Town/Neighborhood Baltimore
Other Locations Mentioned Princess Ann, Somerset Co.; Furnace Branch; Federalsburg
Authors John Core
Position Actuary for the Baltimore Association
Recipient Rev. Jno. Kimball
Other Names Mentioned Miss Oldham; Mr. Davis; Mr. Janney; Mr. McCarter
Message Abstract Encloses letter from Rev. Mr. [[underlined]] McCarter [[/underlined]] in relation to proposed school-house near Preston. States that they want all the female colored teachers they can get on the terms proposed for the Rhode Island lady: that he will send her to Princess Ann, Somerset Co. Inquires for Miss [[underlined]] Oldham's [[/underlined]] address. Encloses deed for school lot at Federalsburg. States that Mr. [[underlined]] Davis [[/underlined]] wants to get the lumber and put the house up at once.
Message Body I want as many ladies of color as you can send me on the terms proposed with the Rhode Island lady, or even worse terms. I will thankfully receive her and send her to Princess Anne, Somerset Co. I can get along with six or eight more ladies if you can furnish them. Miss Oldham called but once at my office and I was then out. If I knew her whereabouts I would take her out to Furnace Branch and try to have her fixed in a boarding place. Have you her address? If you have write her to call on me any day before noon and I will take her to F.B. in the carriage of the Bureau, and see what arrangement can be made. The accompanying deed is forwarded to you to show that the people of Federalsburg mean work. Mr Davis is anxious to get the lumber so as to get the house up at once. I will get the directions sometime today showing how to forward the materials. Mr D. asks that you will be kind enough to pay freight as the colored people are so poor. Whatever you can do in this respect will be conferring a favor not only on the colored people but the white Union men of the neighborhood. Mr Janney will probably be in Annapolis with you on Thursday next. Yours truly, [[signature]] Jno. Core [[/signature]] A. A. The accompanying letter explains itself — please give it your thoughtful attention, and write Mr McCarter, what you can do. Mr McCarter is the Methodist Minister of the station.
Pages 208-209
Transcribers Notes Core includes a letter from J.M. McCarter, which is documented here as a separate record

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[Author (if known)], Freedmen's Bureau Correspondence on Schools, 1869-1870, 1868, Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva’s Black History, Nabb Research Center, Salisbury University.

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