Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History & Culture Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva's Black History

Record Detail

Record #279 from Freedmen's Bureau Correspondence on Schools, 1869-1870

Roll Number 9
Date 18 April 1870
State Maryland
County Talbot
City/Town/Neighborhood Easton
Other Locations Mentioned Trappe, Talbot Co.
Authors G.M. Snowden, Teacher of Graham school
Recipient Genl. Howard
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that the colored people have created a large and commodious school building and teachers house at that place, and that [[underlined]] $553 00 [[/underlined]] is still due on the latter building; that they will be obliged to sell off unless aid is received from some source &c. Desires to know what arrangements have been made for the support of schools for next term. Respectfully referred to Major [[underlined]] W. L. Van Derlip [[/underlined]]. Supt of Edn. for D.C. Md. Del & W. Va. By order of Bt. Maj. Genl. [[underlined]] Howard. [[/underlined]]]
Message Body Excuse the liberty I take in thus addressing you. Knowing the position you hold, that is, Superintendent of our Schools, prompts me to thus address you. I have been engaged in the work of Education in Maryland for three years since April 1867. My first position was Trappe Talbot Co Md. My second Easton Talbot Co at which place I am now residing and have been since Nov, /68. The People of Easton have done much toward aiding themselves They have built and entirely paid for a large and commodious two-story school-house, and seems much interested in the elevation of their children They shortly after attempted to erect a Teachers-house as [[insertion]] suitable [[/insertion]] boarding places for Teachers here are scarce. In making this attempt with the suport of their families, School, [[insertion]] that is [[/insertion]] purchase oil, fuel, pay the board of two teachers, and the salary of the Assistant Teacher. They have already paid on Teachers house over $300.00. They have had such a heavy struggle and the amount due March 30 on the house was $553.00 it is certainly a nice house. The past two winter has been very trying on the people as regards scarcity of labor. I have and do feel exceedingly anxious for my people here. I have [[end page]] [[start page]] a natural fondness for Easton as it is the birthplace of my Mother. Secondly, it is a part of my native state, which I dearly love [[insertion]] not withstanding [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] all the oppression which I with my brethren and sisters of the African race have felt here. In February I saw now way in which the Trustees could raise the amount, and knowing the scarcity of labor and the frequent failure of employers to pay for work done, of course, [[insertion]] we [[/insertion]] could not properly keep up school expenses, and pay this bill due. Our People gave up in dispair said the property must be sold as they saw no other alternative. I said Maryland is the land of my birth yes, but I spent fifteen years in the City of NY. thinking always of home. And hoping God would use me as an instrument in doing some good though feeble in my native land among my oppressed race. Now Mr Howard, I have endeavored to encourage my people as much as in my power. But now I am almost discouraged. I need encouragement. I hope the State will make some arrangements for the support of our School. If I have not intruded, I should be happy to know what the arrangement are for next term, So that if I can not obtain employment here, I will have time to make other arrangements. Hoping you [[strikethrough]] may [[/strikethrough]] will excuse my long letter
Pages 1378
Transcribers Notes

If you are citing this record, please use the following format:

[Author (if known)], Freedmen's Bureau Correspondence on Schools, 1869-1870, 1870, Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva’s Black History, Nabb Research Center, Salisbury University.

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