Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History & Culture Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva's Black History

Record Detail

Record #224 from Freedmen's Bureau Correspondence on Schools, 1869-1870

Roll Number 9
Date 3 Feb 1870
State Maryland
County Queen Anne
City/Town/Neighborhood Crompton
Other Locations Mentioned
Authors Jas. R. Hamilton
Position Teacher
Recipient Supt of Education
Other Names Mentioned
Message Abstract States that he opened the colored school at this place: that a party of armed roughs surrounded the house and threatened to lynch him if he continued to teach, but said they had no objections to a colored teacher. Inquires what course he shall take.
Message Body I had the honor of reporting myself as teacher for the Crompton Colored School but on account of the hostility of a few of the white people I have been obliged to desist. Besides being insulted last Sabbath evening, last night it came to a climax. The house was surrounded about nine (9) oclock by a band of between 20 & 30, roughs disguised and armed with guns & pistols. They demanded my person, which I suppose if they had got, would have been pretty roughly handled, They quited down a piece in the demands, however and I went out to them when they stated the object of their visit was to give me due notice that if I persisted in teaching a colored school which was against their sentiments, they would lynch me or any other man. They did not seem to object to a colored person teaching a colored school; but the idea of a white person was to much for them and in fact, they said they wont, will not, shall not have it. I of course anxiously await your instruction as to what is to be done, I think it is to be regretted that a school ^[[insert]] with an attendance [[/insert]] of about seventy (70) ages ranging from about six (6) to thirty (30), and the prospect of a night school that about forty (40) would attend should all be stopped for a few cowardly roughs that can not face up in day light,
Pages 910
Transcribers Notes

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[Author (if known)], Freedmen's Bureau Correspondence on Schools, 1869-1870, 1870, Enduring Connections: Exploring Delmarva’s Black History, Nabb Research Center, Salisbury University.

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